Videogame Sales Analysis


Hey gamers! ๐ŸŽฎ Get ready for an exciting ride as we take you through our "Videogame Sales Analysis" project! ๐Ÿš€

In this thrilling journey, we'll be diving deep into a massive dataset loaded with juicy details about your favorite video games. We've got the names, platforms, genres, and release years of these digital wonders, along with valuable insights on sales across different regions.

But that's not all! We've got secret scores from Metacritic, revealing how critics and the gaming community rate these games. So, get ready to uncover the hidden gems and the legendary champions! ๐Ÿ’Ž

With Python as our trusty sidekick, we'll embark on a mission to answer some burning questions that will rock your gaming world! We'll reveal the most liked genre, the most popular gaming platforms, and the developers who've released highly-rated games that won't let you put down the controller. ๐ŸŒŸ

Oh, and we'll time travel through gaming history to find the year with the highest number of game releases. And you know what? We'll even connect all our findings to the future of game development! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ”ฎ

So, buckle up, gamers! Our "Videogame Sales Analysis" is about to blow your minds and level up your gaming knowledge. Let's go and conquer the gaming universe together! ๐ŸŽ‰

About the Dataset

The "Videogame Sales Analysis" dataset is a treasure trove of information about video games from various platforms. It contains valuable insights to unravel the gaming world's mysteries. The dataset consists of essential columns that shed light on each game's characteristics and popularity. These columns include the game's name, the platform it runs on, its release year, genre, and the responsible publisher. Moreover, it provides comprehensive sales figures, indicating the number of units sold in North America, Europe, Japan, and other regions, as well as the total global sales. Additionally, the dataset offers a glimpse into the critical and user ratings, showcasing the overall reception and appreciation of each game. This comprehensive collection of data opens up a world of possibilities to explore and analyze the trends and patterns that shape the gaming industry.

The dataset contains the following columns to work on.

Field Description
Name The name of a video game.
Platform The platform (PC, PS4, XBox, etc.) for which a game is released.
Year The release year of a video game.
Genre The genre of a video game.
Publisher The publisher of a video game.
NA_Sales Approximately, the total number of units sold (in million) of a video game in North America.
EU_Sales Approximately, the total number of units sold (in million) of a video game in Europe.
JP_Sales Approximately, the total number of units sold (in million) of a video game in Japan.
Other_Sales Approximately, the total number of units sold (in million) of a video game in the rest of the world.
Global_Sales Approximately, the total number of units sold (in million) of a video game all over the world.
Critic_score Aggregate score compiled by Metacritic staff.
User_score Score by Metacritic's subscribers.
User_count Number of users who gave the user_score.
Developer Party responsible for creating the game.
Rating The ESRB ratings.


  1. Which genre of video games is the most liked?
  2. Which platform is the most used for playing games?
  3. Which developer has released the most highly-rated games?
  4. Which year had the highest number of game releases?
  5. What are the most liked and most disliked video games?
  6. How does the distribution of sales vary across different regions?
  7. Which year had the highest total global sales?
  8. Which developer has released the most games?
  9. What are the highest rated games in each genre?
  10. What are the highest rated publishers in each genre?
  11. What is the best game in each ESRB Rating?
  12. What are some popular games in PC, PS4, GBA, X360?
  13. What are the most sold games in each region?
  14. Which genre of video games has the most sales?
  15. How do the answers to the above 14 questions aid in game development?


Question 1: Which genre of videogames is the most liked?

Significance: Understanding the preferred genre of video games is crucial as it reflects players' deeper connections and inclinations. Knowing the most popular genre can aid developers in making informed decisions about where to invest their efforts in game development.

Approach: To determine the most liked genre of video games, we will utilize a bar graph that compares different genres against their corresponding UserScores or CriticScores. By doing so, we can pinpoint the genre with the highest ratings, indicating the one that resonates the most with players and critics alike. This analysis will provide valuable insights for developers and the gaming community.

Graphical Visualization

Result: From the two graphs, we can see that Role-Playing games are the most rated games among various players.

Question 2: Which platform is the most used for playing games?

Significance: Understanding the most used gaming platform is crucial for game developers as it directly influences their target audience and game distribution strategies. Knowing the platform preferences of players allows developers to optimize their game's compatibility, tailor user interfaces, and offer a seamless gaming experience. This knowledge empowers game developers to prioritize platform-specific features and make informed decisions that resonate with their player base.

Approach: To know which platform is most used for playing games, we can plot the graph between Number of users vs the platform used. This determines the most used platform for gaming.

Graphical Visualization

Result: As we can see from the graph, PC is the most used platform for gaming.

Question 3: Which developer has released the most highly-rated games?(with a critic score above 90)

Significance: Identifying the developer with the most highly-rated games is of paramount importance for game enthusiasts and buyers. A critic score above 90 serves as a robust benchmark for judging games from a critical perspective. Players often rely on these ratings to make informed decisions about purchasing games that offer exceptional gameplay, storytelling, and overall gaming experience. For game developers, achieving high critic scores not only boosts their reputation but also attracts a larger player base, leading to greater success in the competitive gaming market.

Approach: There are two ways to look at this problem. One by graphical analysis and other by dataset skimming. We can plot the graph between number of highly rated games (critic score above 90) vs the top 3 developers. This gives us a solution and to find out which games are top for each developer, we need to do dataset skimming. Both of which are shown below.

Rockstar North

Game Rating
Grand Theft Auto V (PC) 97.0
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PC) 95.0
Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) 97.0
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PC) 95.0
Grand Theft Auto V (X360) 97.0
Grand Theft Auto IV (PC) 98.0
Grand Theft Auto IV (PS4) 98.0
Grand Theft Auto V (XOne) 97.0
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS4) 93.0
Grand Theft Auto V (PS3) 96.0
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (X360) 93.0
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS3) 94.0


Game Rating
Mario Kart DS 91.0
Super Mario Galaxy 97.0
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 95.0
Super Mario Sunshine 92.0
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 96.0
Super Mario 3D World 93.0
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 93.0
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 91.0
Metroid Fusion 92.0
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 96.0


Game Rating
Mass Effect 2 96.0
Mass Effect 3 93.0
Mass Effect 91.0
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 94.0
Mass Effect 2 94.0
Mass Effect 3 93.0
Dragon Age: Origins 91.0
Mass Effect 2 94.0
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 93.0
Neverwinter Nights 91.0

Result: The developer who released the highest rated games is Rockstar North

Question 4: Which year had the highest number of game releases?

Significance: Identifying the year with the highest number of game releases holds immense significance for the gaming industry. It offers valuable insights into the trends and factors that led to a significant boom in game sales during that specific period. Understanding the factors that contributed to increased game releases can help game developers, publishers, and corporations make strategic decisions to replicate successful trends and capitalize on the potential for higher revenue and market growth. This knowledge allows the gaming industry to align their resources and efforts effectively, ensuring they stay ahead of the game in this dynamic and competitive market.

Approach: To determine the year with the highest number of game releases, we employ a bar graph, plotting the number of game releases against each year. This graphical representation provides a clear visual indication of the peak year when the gaming industry witnessed a substantial surge in game launches.

Graphical Visualization

Result: From the graph, we can see that 2009 is the year which had the maximum number of sales with 1011 sales.

Question 5: What are the most liked and most disliked videogames?

Significance: Understanding the preferences of players is paramount in evaluating the success of a video game. The user score, which reflects the players' experience and satisfaction, holds immense significance as it provides valuable insights into how well-received a game is among its target audience. By identifying the most liked and most disliked video games based on user scores, game developers and publishers can gauge the players' sentiments and tailor future game development to better cater to their preferences. Additionally, this knowledge aids in building strong relationships with players, fostering trust and loyalty in the gaming community.


Most Liked Game

Name: Breath of Fire III

User Score: 9.7

Most Disliked Game

Name: My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie's Party

User Score: 0.0

Question 6: How does the distribution of sales vary across different regions?

Significance: Understanding the distribution of video game sales across different regions is crucial for game developers and publishers seeking to optimize their market strategies. It allows them to identify regions with stronger gaming economies and better market potential. By analyzing sales distribution, developers can tailor their marketing efforts, localization, and game content to better suit the preferences and demands of specific regions. This knowledge enables gaming companies to capitalize on growth opportunities in high-performing markets and enhance their overall global market reach.

Approach: To analyze the distribution of sales across different regions, we can employ data visualization techniques such as a bar graph or a pie chart. By plotting the total sales of video games against each region, we can visualize the sales performance in different areas. This graphical representation offers a comprehensive understanding of which regions have a significant share in the overall gaming market and which regions might require more focused attention to improve sales performance.

Result: Maximum number of sales in North America, Least number of sales in Japan

Question 7: Which year had the highest total global sales?

Significance: Identifying the year with the highest total global sales is pivotal for gauging a video game's widespread acclaim and success across the gaming community. Global sales figures serve as a testament to a game's universal appeal and indicate its ability to resonate with players worldwide. For game developers, achieving high total global sales is a testament to their expertise in crafting captivating and inclusive gameplay experiences. It showcases their ability to create games that transcend cultural and geographical boundaries, fostering a positive reputation and a loyal global player base.

Approach: To determine the year with the highest total global sales, we will use a line plot that showcases the trend of total global sales over the years. This visual representation allows us to observe fluctuations and identify the peak year with the highest global sales. By analyzing this data, we can gain insights into the factors that contributed to the game's widespread success during that specific year.

Result: From the lineplot, we can see that the year with maximum number of sales is 2008 with approximately 588.34 Million sales

Question 8: Which developer has released the most number of games in this time period?

Significance: Unveiling the developer with the highest number of game releases offers valuable insights into their influence and prominence in the gaming landscape. Understanding a developer's prolific track record can shed light on their experience, expertise, and contributions to the gaming industry. This information is crucial for industry analysts, investors, and gaming enthusiasts alike, as it helps evaluate a developer's reputation, market presence, and potential for future success. Additionally, identifying the top developers in terms of game releases can provide an overview of industry trends and innovation, fostering a deeper understanding of the gaming ecosystem.

Approach: To determine the developer with the most game releases in the given time period, we apply data grouping based on the 'Developer' column. By calculating the count of games for each developer, we can ascertain the total number of releases for each of them. Sorting the resulting counts in descending order allows us to identify the top developers. To present a clear comparison, we create a bar plot showcasing the number of games released by the top 10 developers. This visual representation offers a concise overview of the gaming industry's most prolific developers and their contributions to the ever-evolving world of gaming.

Result: From the barplot, we can see that Ubisoft has made the most games in this time period with 200 games.

Question 9: What are the highest rated games in each genre?

Significance: Revealing the highest rated games in each gaming genre is of great value to both players and industry professionals. For gamers, this information enables them to make informed choices about which games to play, tailored to their preferred genres. It showcases standout titles that have received critical acclaim, ensuring players have access to exceptional gaming experiences. Moreover, it recognizes the commendable efforts of game developers within specific genres, spotlighting their talent and contributions to the gaming world. For industry professionals and researchers, this data serves as a valuable reference for analyzing trends and patterns in game ratings across various genres, helping them better understand players' preferences and industry dynamics.

Approach: To identify the highest rated games in each genre, we group the dataset by the 'Genre' column and iterate through each group to find the game with the highest critic score for each genre. This approach allows us to create a new DataFrame containing the top-rated games for each genre, along with their respective critic scores. By presenting this information, we provide a comprehensive overview of the best-performing games in various genres, showcasing the exceptional titles that have garnered critical acclaim.

Graphical representation

Highest Rated Games in Each Genre
Genre Game Rating
Action genre Grand Theft Auto IV 98.0
Adventure genre Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection 93.0
Fighting genre SoulCalibur 98.0
Misc genre Rock Band 3 93.0
Platform genre Super Mario Galaxy 97.0
Puzzle genre World of Goo 90.0
Racing genre Gran Turismo 96.0
Role-Playing genre Mass Effect 2 96.0
Shooter genre Metroid Prime 97.0
Simulation genre The Sims Deluxe 92.0
Sports genre Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 98.0
Strategy genre Sid Meier's Civilization IV 94.0

Question 10: What is the most common ESRB rating among the games?

Significance: This information aids gamers in making informed choices aligned with their preferred content ratings. It also helps game developers and publishers assess the market demand for games with different ESRB ratings, contributing to strategic decision-making. Furthermore, it enables researchers and industry analysts to identify patterns and changes in ESRB ratings over time, facilitating comprehensive studies on the impact of content ratings in the gaming landscape.

Approach: The code counts the occurrences of each ESRB rating in the 'Rating' column of the dataset. It then determines the most common ESRB rating by identifying the rating with the highest count. Finally, it prints the most common ESRB rating among the games. This approach allows for the quick identification of the prevailing ESRB rating in the dataset, providing insights into the dominant content rating among the games analyzed.

Result: The most common ESRB rating among the games is: E

Question 11: What is the best game in each ESRB Rating?

Significance: This information helps gamers identify highly acclaimed games that align with their preferred content ratings. It also recognizes the achievements of game developers in delivering exceptional experiences across diverse content categories. Additionally, it serves as a reference for industry professionals and researchers to analyze trends and patterns in game quality based on ESRB ratings, facilitating a deeper understanding of player preferences and market dynamics.

Approach: The approach depends on the identification of the best game within each ESRB rating category based on the highest critic score. By grouping the dataset and extracting the game with the maximum critic score for each rating, it provides a quick overview of the standout games within different ESRB ratings, highlighting their respective critic scores.

Rating Best Game Critic Score
AO Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 93.0
E Super Mario Galaxy 97.0
E10+ Portal 2 95.0
EC Nickelodeon Team Umizoomi 68.9
K-A PaRappa The Rapper 92.0
M Grand Theft Auto IV 98.0
RP Supreme Ruler: Cold War 63.0
T Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 98.0

Question 12: What are some popular games in PC, PS4, GBA, X360?

Significance: It allows gamers and enthusiasts to explore popular games within specific platforms. By identifying popular games in PC, PS4, GBA, and X360, players can discover highly acclaimed titles and make informed decisions about the games they may want to play on their preferred platforms. Additionally, it provides insights into the gaming preferences and trends for each platform, highlighting the impact of platform-specific titles and fostering discussions around the popularity and impact of games within different gaming communities.

Approach: This approach allows for the identification of the three most popular games for each platform based on global sales. By filtering the dataset, sorting it, and grouping it by platform, the code retrieves the top games and presents them in a readable format. It provides insights into the popular games within each platform, facilitating discussions and comparisons among gamers and enthusiasts.

Top Games
Platform Game Global Sales (in Million)
PC The Sims 3 8.01
PC World of Warcraft 6.29
PC Diablo III 5.14
PS4 Grand Theft Auto V 12.61
PS4 FIFA 16 8.57
PS4 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 7.66
GBA Pokรฉmon Emerald Version 6.41
GBA Super Mario Advance 5.49
GBA Mario Kart: Super Circuit 5.47
X360 Kinect Adventures! 21.81
X360 Grand Theft Auto V 16.27
X360 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 14.73

Question 13: What are the most sold games in each region?

Significance: By identifying the most sold games in each region, it provides insights into the preferences and market dynamics of different geographical areas. This information is valuable for game developers, publishers, and marketers to tailor their strategies and offerings to specific regions, ensuring they align with the preferences and demands of local gaming audiences. Additionally, it allows gamers and enthusiasts to explore popular games in different regions, fostering discussions and comparisons of gaming trends on a regional level.

Approach: This approach identifies the most popular game in each region by finding the maximum sales across different regions and grouping the dataset accordingly. It provides a concise way to determine the games with the highest sales within specific regions, enabling insights into regional preferences and market performance.

Region Game Maximum Sales (in Million)
EU_Sales Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day 9.2
JP_Sales Animal Crossing: Wild World 5.33
NA_Sales Wii Sports 41.36
Other_Sales Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 10.57

Question 14: Which genre of videogames has the most sales?

Significance: Understanding the genre with the highest sales allows game developers, publishers, and marketers to make informed decisions regarding game production, marketing strategies, and resource allocation. It provides valuable insights into consumer preferences, market trends, and potential revenue opportunities. Moreover, it aids gamers in exploring and discovering popular genres, guiding their choices when seeking games that align with their interests and preferences.

Approach: By sorting the genres based on their total sales, we can provide a clear comparison and determination of the genre that has the most significant commercial success. This information is valuable for game developers, publishers, marketers, and analysts to understand the popularity and market demand for different genres within the gaming industry.

Result: The genre with the most sales is: Action

Question 15: How do the answers to the 14 questions aid in game development?

As a developer, the answers to the 14 questions can provide valuable insights and aid in making a perfect game. Here's how:

  1. Understanding the most liked genre of videogames helps in identifying popular trends and preferences among players, enabling you to create a game that aligns with their interests.
  2. Knowing the most used platform for playing games allows you to target your development efforts towards that platform, maximizing the reach and potential player base for your game.
  3. Recognizing the developer who has released the most highly-rated games with critic scores above 90 offers inspiration and benchmarks for achieving excellence in game development.
  4. Identifying the year with the highest number of game releases helps you gauge market saturation and plan game release timing strategically to minimize competition.
  5. Learning about the most liked and most disliked videogames provides an understanding of player preferences, allowing you to incorporate popular features and avoid pitfalls in game design.
  6. Analyzing the distribution of sales across different regions helps in tailoring marketing strategies and localization efforts to target specific regions effectively.
  7. Knowing the year with the highest total global sales gives insights into market trends and potential opportunities for success.
  8. Identifying the developer who has released the most games showcases their experience and expertise, providing inspiration and potential collaboration opportunities.
  9. Understanding the highest rated games in each genre provides benchmarks for quality and innovation, guiding your efforts in creating a game that stands out within a specific genre.
  10. Recognizing the most common ESRB rating among the games ensures compliance with industry standards and helps in targeting the appropriate audience.
  11. Identifying the best game in each ESRB rating allows you to study successful titles within specific content ratings and learn from their achievements.
  12. Exploring popular games in PC, PS4, GBA, and X360 provides insights into player preferences on different platforms, helping you understand and cater to the target audience of those platforms.
  13. Knowing the most sold game in each region helps you tailor your game's marketing and localization efforts to specific regions, increasing the chances of success in those markets.
  14. Understanding the genre of videogames with the most sales allows you to focus your resources and efforts on genres that have proven commercial success, maximizing your game's potential for financial returns.

Overall, these questions provide valuable market insights, player preferences, and industry benchmarks that can guide you in making informed decisions throughout the game development process, increasing the chances of creating a perfect game that resonates with players and achieves success in the competitive gaming landscape.